13 min
This series of videos introduces you to FuturFaith's new comprehensive online Ministry course.
Lesson 1
Lorraine & Keith introduce FuturFaith, a modern Ministry community.
6 min
Lesson 2
Find out what you'll learn, what you can expect, and more.
2 min
Lesson 3
Learn what rewards await our successful graduates at the end of the course.
Lesson 4
Continuous assessment includes quizzes, assignments, personal ceremonies.
3 min
the ceremony
28 Lessons
outside of ceremonies
4 Lessons
Outside of ceremonies
7 Lessons
11 Lessons
6 Lessons
3 Lessons
5 Lessons
Before the ceremony
1 Lesson
8 Lessons
13 Lessons
After the ceremony
At FuturFaith, we accept new students 24/7, meaning you don't have to wait for an upcoming enrolment date.